Indoor Climbing Assistant
The Indoor Climbing Assistant qualification is for those with competence in the basic skills of climbing who wish to assist qualified climbing instructors and coaches in the management of their sessions. Indoor Climbing Assistants are assessed as being competent in their role supporting qualified instructors and coaches but are not qualified to manage groups independently.
Indoor Climbing Assistants can have an inspirational effect on individuals, groups and communities. They work with participants and a range of others such as instructors, other climbing assistants, colleagues, volunteers, parents, teachers, youth workers and health professionals to ensure the climbing experience is the very best it can be. This is a combined training and assessment course for people who want to actively support a qualified instructor. Qualified Indoor Climbing Assistants can assist with core tasks within a session, directly supervised by an instructor.
Before you book onto an Indoor Climbing Assistant course you should have;
Experience in the basic skills of climbing (belaying, harness fitting, tying on).
Logged 5 indoor climbing sessions. (There is no personal climbing requirement, you can just belay, but it is useful to have experience of climbing.)
Belayed on a minimum of 5 indoor climbing sessions.
After the course you will be given an assessment result of either Pass or Defer (not yet mastered basic skills).
If you have completed the Indoor Climbing Assistant you should be competent in the following key areas, all of which will be covered, to a greater or lesser extent, during the course.
Technical competence (equipment, belaying, personal skills and background knowledge)
Management and decision making (managing participants under supervision, demonstrations and understanding your role)
Teaching and learning skills
The climbing environment (access, etiquette and ethics)
How Do I Join?
You must register for this award with Mountain Training before you can take part in this combined training and assessment course.
To register follow this link to the Indoor Climbing Assistant page on the Mountain Training website. The registration fee is £25 and covers access to DLOG (the digital logbook) where you can record your experience and keep track of your progress, a quality assured course delivered by an approved provider, an online training record and an official certificate.
Once you've registered choose your course date and get in touch with us to book.
Course Fee for 2025
Our Indoor Climbing Assistant combined training and assessment course costs £75 per person, plus entry to the indoor wall where the course will be run.
Our Indoor Climbing Assistant courses start at 10.00am and we usually finish around 4.30pm, after a debrief and you've got your results.
Course Dates for 2025
30th May - Ingleton Wall, Yorkshire (6 places available)
7th October - Keswick Wall, Cumbria (6 places available)
Not what you’re looking for? Are you looking at doing the Climbing Wall Instructor, rather than the Indoor Climbing Assistant? Follow this links for that qualification:
To send an enquiry or to book a place on a course fill in the form by clicking the ‘Book Here’ button, or send us an email on the contact address below. Thank you.