Hill and Moorland Leader Assessment
The Hill and Moorland Leader is a nationally accredited scheme from Mountain Training designed to train and assess those who want to lead groups on hill and moorland terrain throughout Britain in summer conditions. The award has two parts: training and assessment, with a consolidation period between the two.
Prerequisites for the assessment course
You must be at least 18 years old
You must have completed a Hill and Moorland Leader training course (or a Mountain Leader training course)
You must be familiar with the syllabus
You must have recorded a minimum of 40 quality hill days in at least three upland areas of the UK or Ireland
You must have physically attended and completed (i.e. not online) a first aid course which involved at least two full days or sixteen hours of instruction and included an element of assessment
The full syllabus and Scheme Handbook can be viewed on the Mountain Training website here
Assessment courses take place over 3 days, and offer candidates suitable terrain within the scope of the award, with plenty of learning opportunities along the way.
Want some inspiration for new places to go to gain quality hill days for your HML? Check out my blog!
How Do I Join?
Make sure you meet the course prerequisites for assessment as above, then get in touch below.
Hill and Moorland Leader assessment courses dates and venues
March 7th - 9th - Shap Fells and the Howgill Fells - Course full.
July 26th - 28th - Dentdale and the Howgill Fells, Yorkshire Dales National Park - 2 places available.
September 12th - 14th - Moffatdale, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland - 4 places available.
Course Fees
For courses during 2025 - £290 for assessment
To send an enquiry or to book a place on a course, fill in the form by clicking the ‘Book Here’ button, or send us an email on the contact address below. Thank you.
Not ready for HML assessment yet? Perhaps it’s the HML training course you’re looking for? Go here then: